Sounds like a very cool idea - at least I don’t have anything prepared to share unfortunately, but we are looking at something somewhat similar for demos.
But I thought I’d mention two things that might help/speed things up - firstly, at least for partners we can probably make the Logfaker plugin available that can pipe synthetic logs into LogPoint via Syslog on localhost. It sould be possible to upload those files to LogPoint using SSH and a partner account, and that might be easier than actually having to generate the log messages on another system.
And secondly, perhaps LogPoint sync could be of use too, rather than having to use Director - you could export and import a pretty comprehensive “default” LogPoint configuration from a JSON file, and it might even be possible to replace certain blocks of text with custom-generated JSON. I don’t have much experience with the Director API, so I don’t know which approach would be easier. But I thought I’d mention both ideas in case they help.