Hello Stefano
Kindly initiate a support case on the portal at https://logpointsupport.zendesk.com/ . This will enable us to investigate the issue more comprehensively.
Thank you.
I have uploaded the logpoint 7.3.0 and 7.3.1 pak on logpoint server 7.2.4.
I have started the 7.3.0 pak installation but after some hours is still in “installing” state
Checking the status I see that is blocked on SOAR Plugin upgrade
Checking package status ...
install; giving etc/, storage/ and var/ to loginspect only in changed files
install; removing old files
install; copying files
Update; updating plugins....
Upgrading SOAR plugin
I tried to install the 7.3.1 pak that fails because the 7.3.0 is not installed.
I have restarted the server but nothing change.
Could you please help me to understand the cause?
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Hello Stefano
Kindly initiate a support case on the portal at https://logpointsupport.zendesk.com/ . This will enable us to investigate the issue more comprehensively.
Thank you.
Hi Stefano,
Based on the information provided in the screenshot you shared, it appears that LogPoint is currently in an installation state. It's important to note that no additional patches for LogPoint can be applied until the ongoing installation is successfully completed.
Given that you've already opened a support ticket regarding this issue, we'll delve into the specifics and address this matter in further detail through the support ticket system.
I upgraded the logpoint and just realized still using old email for admin and smtp is yet to configure.
so I unable to login and at the end, just open case with support.
weird because no default password anymore.
we dont use SMTP in here
Hi @Stefano Prunotto ,
It looks like your updater was processing the SOAR update package.
The installation/update of the SOAR package can take ages on small systems, especially with low memory. There is ansible running to deploy several docker containers and java processes, which consumes a lot of memory during the update.
Unfortunately the SOAR package is included/bundled in every updata package since it was released. So it is installed/updated in every update package as well, even if you don’t use it .
It increases the update time and the update package size a lot .
The SOAR package inside the update packages has 1.5 GB (application_SOAR_release_2.0.1.32.pak → 1587424728 bytes) alone, which made up over 97% of the size of the recent 7.3.1 update package (logpoint_7.3.1.pak → 1635942400 bytes).
Updates could be much faster and smaller if LogPoint would unbundle the SOAR package and you only install it if needed.
I therefore opened an idea in the ideas portal : https://logpoint.ideas.aha.io/ideas/LP-I-648
Feel free to upvote it.
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