After update to 7.0 TimeChart does not work anymore


Be aware if your are going to upgrade to 7.0 there are a bug in TimeChart function, and will not work.

Answer from support:

Hi Kai​,

We are extremely sorry for the inconvience caused by it, fixes has been applied in upcoming patch for 7.0.1

So if you need it, maybe you should wait to 7.0.1 are out.

Regards Kai

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Ishwor Shrestha

Hi Kai,

I have checked in LogPoint Version 7.0 & looks that the function timechart is working fine. Can you please try searching query "norm_id"="WinServer" action=* |timechart count() by action in your windows server repo in LogPoint.

Best regards,


Kai Gustafson

This is acknowledged as an falt, look at incident #64251

And it will be fixed in version 7.01 coming out in the end of this month.


Ishwor Shrestha

Hi kai,

Thank you for your reply. Actually i checked at our side in updated version & i was not able to replicate your issue. Instead the timechart function is working fine. Could you please check the above query from your side?

Best regards,


Kai Gustafson

This is pointless, this has been verified by support, and yes failing on serveral servers and no it’s not ok.


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