Is it possible to transfer files between collector and data node by using the existing VPN tunnel ?


In the case where we need to transfer files between collectors to a data node where there is no other network connectivity than a VPN tunnel between two. Is it possible to transfer files between them? If how and using which tools and protocols?

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Gaurav Khatri

Hi Prabesh,

There is one little solution I found a while ago to this problem.

Apparently, the /opt/immune/installed/webserver/static folder within logpoint can be used to host files as a server. Since two logpoints connected through a tunnel can access each other’s tunnel ip’s , we can host a file in one of the machine’s webserver/static folder and use curl command to fetch files from that location through another logpoint without the need to open any extra ports.

Command example : curl -k https://<collector_tunnel_ip>/static/<filename>

testbase bhattaa

Thank you Gaurav. Yes, I am able to transfer files using the curl command in the VPN interface. It worked for me.

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