Hi Gaurav,
If there is a zpool already configured and it is to be extended with a newly added disk, please follow these steps.
1. Set all the disks label to GPT:
parted /dev/sdX mklabel gpt
2. Add disk to zpool using following command:
zpool add <existing_pool_name> /dev/sdX (X stands for the disk character usually its a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h...)
If disks are to be added in raidz mode:
zpool add <existing_pool_name> raidz /dev/sdX1 /dev/sdX2 /dev/sdX3
If disks are in mirror mode:
zpool add <existing_pool_name> mirror /dev/sdX1 /dev/sdX2
If an entire disk is in zpool and it is expanded from VM, following command can be used to extend the pool with the expanded space.
zpool online -e <pool_name> /dev/sdX
If only a partition of a disk is in zpool and it is expanded in VM, a new partition should be created from the expanded portion and added to the zpool.
zpool add <pool_name> /dev/sdXn
I hope this will answer your query.
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