Issue and Observation
The message "AQL: graph 'mssp_db' not found (while parsing)" pops up while using the Director Console UI.
The error indicates that the synchronization between arango and zookeeper is in progress and sometimes due to stale entry of any fabric enabled logpoints, the sync can get halted.
Log files at /opt/commander/bigstore/var/log/directorconsole/ can provide useful information
Check if the fabric enabled Logpoint is present in zookeeper
ssh into fabric server
/opt/commander/installed/zookeeper/bin/zkCli.shaddauth digest zkacl:Welcome@123ls data/<POOL_IDENTIFIER>/addauth digest commander:<enter password> ls /license/<LP identifier>get /license/<LP identifier>delete any stale or duplicate logpoint identifiers if present withrmr /<node id>
Trigger data fetch fron arangodb GUI
ssh into Director API
Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config to enable ssh local port forwarding ,
AllowTcpForwarding yes
ssh -L 8529: support@<logpoint ip>
Open chrome/firefox browser and enter url
Login as root/changeitSelect: mssp_db
select TimeStamp collection from
Collection > TimeStamp/progress
Change the value to “in_progress” and save the changes
ssh into the Director Console machine and restart the dc-front and dc-back containers with commands below:-
docker stop dc-frontdocker stop dc-backdocker start dc-frontdocker start dc-back
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