Director Patch update fails due to missing containers


During the installation of the DC/API patch update the containers might not be in running state due to unknown reasons, you can check the status of containers by running the command below:

docker ps # output from DC v1.7.0Below is output of docker ps on DC v1.8.0


In an ideal state, all three containers -dc-front, dc-back,arangodb are in a running and in healthy state (in DC v 1.8.0 there are 4 containers where tomcat is added). However in some patch upgrade cases the containers may be missing.


To check if the container is present but not running:

docker ps -a  

If the container is shown, start the container with the following command:

docker start <container ID>

Now, continue with:

installcom-patch /path/to/<patch file>

If the container is not present run the command below:

cd /opt/commander/installed/system/cmdr-admin/root-actions

docker-compose -p dc up -d

The above command uses docker-compose.yml file to bring the containers up.

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