Hi Andre,
Thanks for reaching out to us, your query will be answered momentarily. In the meantime if theres anything else we can help with, do not hesitate to reach out.
i have some minor questions regarding LP “policies” regarding security vulnerabilities:
Will LogPoint 6 still receive patches to fix security vulnerabilities ? E.g. LP 7.0.1 fixes the polkit vulnerability. As polkit was discovery AFTER the latest patch for LP 6 (6.12.02), there is a good chance LP6 is affected by it too, but there is no patch available and i didn’t find any informationen that LP 6.12.02 is NOT affected by this vulnerability.
I am currently not keen to upgrade my LP installations from 6.12.2 to LP 7, but there have been some vulnerabilities for Linux recently (Log4Shell, polkit, dirty pipe, now zlib) with a good chance of LP being affected by them. If LP6 will not receive patches anymore, i would have to update (fast).
Generally speaking, is there any documentation how long the different LP versions are supported ?
Also, is there a webseite, newsletter etc to get get a quick overview or (even better) automatic notification when a new LP patches \ software updates are released ?
Right now i log into the service desk, browse to the product site and check manually, which is rather time consuming.
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Hi Andre,
Thanks for reaching out to us, your query will be answered momentarily. In the meantime if theres anything else we can help with, do not hesitate to reach out.
Hello Cintia,
any news about my request ? Especially about whether LP 6 will receive security updates ? Right now it seems to me that i will have to upgrade to LP7 as LP6 seems to be “discontinued”.
Hi Andre,
This is very good question raised. As a policy, LogPoint recommends our customers to update to the latest version to get the most recent features, bug fixes and security updates. If you cannot upgrade immediately, but concerned on a specific issue, please never hesitate to reach out our support team to let us explore a potential workaround until LogPoint upgrade is executed.
We are also working on the generic policy on releases lifecycle to be published soon on our Help Center website.
More specifically to your case. Even though upgrade from LP6.12 to LP7 is a change of the major version, there won’t be many changes in LogPoint system if you keep SOAR disabled after upgrading to LP7 (see release notes ). Therefore, upgrade itself is relatively straightforward.
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