Hi Andre,
Thanks for posting on LogPoint Community ! You are correct, it looks like we have a typo on documentation, I will make sure it is fixed.
Let me summarise the requirements to use LogPoint support connection.
You need the following ports/protocol to be open through your firewall for all your LogPoint servers:
- Port 1193/UDP to reverse.logpoint.com (
- Port 1193/UDP from reverse.logpoint.com (
- Port 443/TCP to customer.logpoint.com ( - not mandatory
It is not possible to use a proxy for the vpn connection as it is based on UDP protocol. Regarding the HTTPS connection to cutomer.logpoint.com, it is not mandatory to open this port/destination for the support connection to be established.
You can start and stop the support connection both from the GUI and the CLI interfaces.
The commands format in the CLI interface can be found in the README file from the li-admin user home directory.
For your convenience I put the format below:
start-support :
"Starts the support connection and keeps the support-port open for specified amount of time.
If the time is not specified then the support-port is opened for 1 hour only."
: start-support <timeout in hours>(optional)
Start support connection with 1 hour timeout:
start-support 1
Start support connection with no timeout:
start-support infinite
stop-support :
"Stops the support connection"
: stop-support
I hope you’ll find this answer useful!
Kind regards