Recommended hardware sizing for Director components


Hi, I’m about to install a new LP Director platform and I was wondering if I should use the minimum memory and CPU sizing recommandations to create VMs or up them a bit. Can you share your experience and recommandations ?

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Basudev Raut

Hi Jerome,

You could get started with the min system requirements sections in the manual itself since the LP Director Components are not that resource intensive. The sizing requirements of the Fabric enabled LogPoints will be more directly dependent on the log volume and analytics run (EPS and live search count) which are provided separately in the sizing recommendation page in the service desk.

Having said that, it’s always good to allocate some extra resources in the VM considering the number of pools that will grow (in fact the number of nodes) in the future. Nevertheless, we’ve seen the current sizing have been able to handle good sized environment without significant performance impact.

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