Have anyone tried to get logs from Kubernetes, maybee a best pratice.


I see that there are no Vendor Apps for Kubernetes, so normalization are maybee going to be written, but how do you get logs to Logpoint, are there a nativ way for this.

I found that Auditing of logs are not default turned on, and if they are they only reside for 1 hour.

Any one with some god advise in the matter ?

Regards Kai

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Sagar Bhandari


From what I gather, If you are using AKS, you can forward the logs to the EventHubs and use EventHub Collector to get the logs into logpoint. For EKS you can configure Kubernetes clusters on AWS to send logs directly to ClowdWatch, S3 etc and then use CloudWatch/CloudTrail fetcher to bring the logs into logpoint.

You can also use the logging tools like Fluentd( medium link here )or Fluentbit by deploying it as DaemonSets and send the logs to logpoint using syslog or LPAgent.


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