Normalizer Timestamp


I have a nice Logfile (FlatFile with once a day import via Ubuntu LogPoint Agent) containing a timestamp like:

| 20210905 | 231304 |

Any suggestions how i need to modify my Normalizer to understand this Time ?


I do some sed Magic and change the Format directly in the Logfile

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Mike Blomgren


For future reference, it is possible to ingest the Timestamp in a Normalizer and name it log_ts. This will ensure that the logs will be indexed by their inherent Timestamp available in the log, rather than the time of ingestion.

To accomplish your task at Search - you would need to use a process command. Such as:

| process eval("searchtime_ts=strptime('20210905|231304|', 'yyyyMMdd|HHmmss')")

This will produce a new field 'searchtime_ts' for each log entry. However, you need to extract your timestamp with the 'norm' command first, place it in a variable, and then pipe the variable as input to the 'eval' function above.

Untested, but principally:
norm <mylogts:string> | process eval("searchtime_ts=strptime(mylogts, 'yyyyMMdd|HHmmss')")

For further reading:

Also, your supplied timestamp does not contain any TimeZone, so LogPoint assumes UTC. Which will be converted to YOUR TimeZone at presentation. I am on CEST so it will currently add 2 hours to your original timestamp.

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