PaloAlto PanOS 10 - Logs not normalized



since we replaced the PaloAlto firewall devices a couple of days ago (the old ones were running PanOS 9.1.7, the new ones are on 10.1.4) for one of our customers, none of the logs coming from the firewalls are normalized anymore (there are 1000s of logs in the repo, but doing a search query “ norm_id="*" “ shows no result).

We are using the same policies (collection, normalization etc) as before, and the firewall admin says that they just migrated the configuration fromt ht eold to the new devices and can not see any changes regarding the log configuration settings.

I already restarted all normalizer services, even rebooted the LP and completely recreated the device configuration.

We are using the latest (5.2.0) PaloAlto Application plugin on LogPoint 6.12.2, and its details clearly state that PanPOS 10 is supported ( Palo Alto Network Firewall – ServiceDesk # LogPoint ). And taking a look at the raw logs, i can not see any differenc in the log format of PanOS 9 and 10.  However, also tried adding the “PaloAltoCEFCompiledNormalizer” to the normalization policy (it “only” included  the PaloAltoNetworkFirewallCompiledNormalizer), but nothing helped.

Does anyone has any thought what might be the issue or what else i can check before i open a support ticket. Is there any way to debug the normalization preocess on the LogPoint CLI ?



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Nils Krumrey

The only troubleshooting that can be done is for the non-compiled normalisers, as you can check the log messages against the patterns for those. But the compiled normalisers are as the name implies “compiled”, so their signatures are not visible outside of our source code.

I have just checked the Support tickets, and there does seem to be something going on with the Palo Alto logs in version 10.1, apparently the field count doesn’t match what we are expecting for THREAT and TRAFFIC logs. I suspect that Palo Alto threw in a few additional fields without telling anyone :)

I can see in the tickets that we have built some new normaliser versions over the last week or two, so it’s probably best to open a ticket and point out that you have problems with PanOS 10 - Support can decide what new package to share with you, rather than me picking one randomly from the Support ticket I see.

Andre Kurtz

Thanks for your answer Nils. A i said, i took a quick look at the logs and couldn’t see any difference, but there might be some new fields i didn’t caught.

I will open a support ticket and will mark this querstion as solved.


Nils Krumrey

Apparently, something also changed with how the fields are quoted, but only for some Palo Alto modules. So I am not entirely sure what the exact issue is, but no matter what I don’t think it’s anything that could be fixed through configuration...

Kai Gustafson


since we replaced the PaloAlto firewall devices a couple of days ago (the old ones were running PanOS 9.1.7, the new ones are on 10.1.4) for one of our customers, none of the logs coming from the firewalls are normalized anymore (there are 1000s of logs in the repo, but doing a search query “ norm_id="*" “ shows no result).

We are using the same policies (collection, normalization etc) as before, and the firewall admin says that they just migrated the configuration fromt ht eold to the new devices and can not see any changes regarding the log configuration settings.

I already restarted all normalizer services, even rebooted the LP and completely recreated the device configuration.

We are using the latest (5.2.0) PaloAlto Application plugin on LogPoint 6.12.2, and its details clearly state that PanPOS 10 is supported ( Palo Alto Network Firewall – ServiceDesk # LogPoint ). And taking a look at the raw logs, i can not see any differenc in the log format of PanOS 9 and 10.  However, also tried adding the “PaloAltoCEFCompiledNormalizer” to the normalization policy (it “only” included  the PaloAltoNetworkFirewallCompiledNormalizer), but nothing helped.

Does anyone has any thought what might be the issue or what else i can check before i open a support ticket. Is there any way to debug the normalization preocess on the LogPoint CLI ?



You can try to confirm that Palo are sending logs for logpoint and se if it’s only normalization or lack of logs.

Do a search with : device_name=”your device” -norm_id=*

That will show you logs not getting normalized and you could easily se and identify the logs from Palo.

Are there no logs, then next step are Cli and tcpdump, se if there are arriving data from Paloalto.

Regards Kai

Andre Kurtz

Hi Kai,

already did this. Logs are indeed coming into the LP, they are shown in to repo. They are just” not normalized. Also did a tcpdump just to make sure new logs are coming in :-)

BTW: Does LogPoint have a URL with a listing of known bugs in the current release ? I couldn’t find any. As far as i understand Nils, there are known issues with the normalization of PanOS 10.1. Would have saved us some time if we would have known that before upgrading the FW, maybe we would have delayed the upgrade.

Kai Gustafson

ok didn't get that, sounds like at job for the KB team, getting data normalized again, nice to know, so we will not upgrade right now, thanks ;)

Regards Kai

John Coughlan


My name is John Coughlan. I am a member of the regional support team here at LogPoint.

This should be the PAK file that you will need to install on your appliance that will normalize the incoming Palo Alto Logs.

Thank You

John Coughlan

Nils Krumrey

Depending on the logging configuration and Palo Alto OS version, the CSV normaliser might still struggle to normalise all fields correctly - for example, I have seen just the URL field go unnormalised. There appears to be a problem in the Palo Alto documentation as to which fields we should expect, and the fields seem to contradict each other in different versions. The fallback option is to switch the log format to CEF, as per this document

The document contains examples of the custom CEF logging format to configure/create, but can be difficult to copy/paste as a single line from the PDF. The below is the list of fields that our CEF normaliser was built for, for each log type. You should be able to copy and paste each section from here as a custom log format for the respective log in Palo Alto. Also make sure to reconfigure the parser for the device in LogPoint to MultilineSyslog

CEF:0|Palo Alto Networks|PAN-OS|$sender_sw_version|$subtype|$type|1|rt=$cefformatted-receive_time deviceExternalId=$serial src=$src dst=$dst sourceTranslatedAddress=$natsrc destinationTranslatedAddress=$natdst cs1Label=Rule cs1=$rule suser=$srcuser duser=$dstuser app=$app cs3Label=Virtual System cs3=$vsys cs4Label=Source Zone cs4=$from cs5Label=Destination Zone cs5=$to deviceInboundInterface=$inbound_if deviceOutboundInterface=$outbound_if cs6Label=LogProfile cs6=$logset cn1Label=SessionID cn1=$sessionid cnt=$repeatcnt spt=$sport dpt=$dport sourceTranslatedPort=$natsport destinationTranslatedPort=$natdport flexString1Label=Flags flexString1=$flags proto=$proto act=$action flexNumber1Label=Total bytes flexNumber1=$bytes in=$bytes_sent out=$bytes_received cn2Label=Packets cn2=$packets PanOSPacketsReceived=$pkts_received PanOSPacketsSent=$pkts_sent start=$cefformatted-time_generated cn3Label=Elapsed time in seconds cn3=$elapsed cs2Label=URL Category cs2=$category externalId=$seqno reason=$session_end_reason PanOSDGl1=$dg_hier_level_1 PanOSDGl2=$dg_hier_level_2 PanOSDGl3=$dg_hier_level_3 PanOSDGl4=$dg_hier_level_4 PanOSVsysName=$vsys_name dvchost=$device_name cat=$action_source PanOSActionFlags=$actionflags PanOSSrcUUID=$src_uuid PanOSDstUUID=$dst_uuid PanOSTunnelID=$tunnelid PanOSMonitorTag=$monitortag PanOSParentSessionID=$parent_session_id PanOSParentStartTime=$parent_start_time PanOSTunnelType=$tunnel  

CEF:0|Palo Alto Networks|PAN-OS|$sender_sw_version|$subtype|$type|$numberof-severity|rt=$cef-formatted-receive_time deviceExternalId=$serial src=$src dst=$dst sourceTranslatedAddress=$natsrc destinationTranslatedAddress=$natdst cs1Label=Rule cs1=$rule suser=$srcuser duser=$dstuser app=$app cs3Label=Virtual System cs3=$vsys cs4Label=Source Zone cs4=$from cs5Label=Destination Zone cs5=$to deviceInboundInterface=$inbound_if deviceOutboundInterface=$outbound_if cs6Label=LogProfile cs6=$logset cn1Label=SessionID cn1=$sessionid cnt=$repeatcnt spt=$sport dpt=$dport sourceTranslatedPort=$natsport destinationTranslatedPort=$natdport flexString1Label=Flags flexString1=$flags proto=$proto act=$action request=$misc cs2Label=URL Category cs2=$category flexString2Label=Direction flexString2=$direction PanOSActionFlags=$actionflags externalId=$seqno cat=$threatid fileId=$pcap_id PanOSDGl1=$dg_hier_level_1 PanOSDGl2=$dg_hier_level_2 PanOSDGl3=$dg_hier_level_3 PanOSDGl4=$dg_hier_level_4 PanOSVsysName=$vsys_name dvchost=$device_name PanOSSrcUUID=$src_uuid PanOSDstUUID=$dst_uuid PanOSTunnelID=$tunnelid PanOSMonitorTag=$monitortag PanOSParentSessionID=$parent_session_id PanOSParentStartTime=$parent_start_time PanOSTunnelType=$tunnel PanOSThreatCategory=$thr_category PanOSContentVer=$contentver  

CEF:0|Palo Alto Networks|PAN-OS|$sender_sw_version|$subtype|$type|$numberof-severity|rt=$cef-formatted-receive_time deviceExternalId=$serial src=$src dst=$dst sourceTranslatedAddress=$natsrc destinationTranslatedAddress=$natdst cs1Label=Rule cs1=$rule suser=$srcuser duser=$dstuser app=$app cs3Label=Virtual System cs3=$vsys cs4Label=Source Zone cs4=$from cs5Label=Destination Zone cs5=$to deviceInboundInterface=$inbound_if deviceOutboundInterface=$outbound_if cs6Label=LogProfile cs6=$logset cn1Label=SessionID cn1=$sessionid cnt=$repeatcnt spt=$sport dpt=$dport sourceTranslatedPort=$natsport destinationTranslatedPort=$natdport flexString1Label=Flags flexString1=$flags proto=$proto act=$action request=$misc cs2Label=URL Category cs2=$category flexString2Label=Direction flexString2=$direction PanOSActionFlags=$actionflags externalId=$seqno requestContext=$contenttype cat=$threatid fileId=$pcap_id requestMethod=$http_method requestClientApplication=$user_agent PanOSXForwarderfor=$xff PanOSReferer=$referer PanOSDGl1=$dg_hier_level_1 PanOSDGl2=$dg_hier_level_2 PanOSDGl3=$dg_hier_level_3 PanOSDGl4=$dg_hier_level_4 PanOSVsysName=$vsys_name dvchost=$device_name PanOSSrcUUID=$src_uuid PanOSDstUUID=$dst_uuid PanOSTunnelID=$tunnelid PanOSMonitorTag=$monitortag PanOSParentSessionID=$parent_session_id PanOSParentStartTime=$parent_start_time PanOSTunnelType=$tunnel PanOSThreatCategory=$thr_category PanOSContentVer=$contentver  

CEF:0|Palo Alto Networks|PAN-OS|$sender_sw_version|$subtype|$type|$numberof-severity|rt=$cef-formatted-receive_time deviceExternalId=$serial src=$src dst=$dst sourceTranslatedAddress=$natsrc destinationTranslatedAddress=$natdst cs1Label=Rule cs1=$rule suser=$srcuser duser=$dstuser app=$app cs3Label=Virtual System cs3=$vsys cs4Label=Source Zone cs4=$from cs5Label=Destination Zone cs5=$to deviceInboundInterface=$inbound_if deviceOutboundInterface=$outbound_if cs6Label=LogProfile cs6=$logset cn1Label=SessionID cn1=$sessionid cnt=$repeatcnt spt=$sport dpt=$dport sourceTranslatedPort=$natsport destinationTranslatedPort=$natdport flexString1Label=Flags flexString1=$flags proto=$proto act=$action request=$misc cs2Label=URL Category cs2=$category flexString2Label=Direction flexString2=$direction PanOSActionFlags=$actionflags externalId=$seqno cat=$threatid fileId=$pcap_id PanOSDGl1=$dg_hier_level_1 PanOSDGl2=$dg_hier_level_2 PanOSDGl3=$dg_hier_level_3 PanOSDGl4=$dg_hier_level_4 PanOSVsysName=$vsys_name dvchost=$device_name PanOSSrcUUID=$src_uuid PanOSDstUUID=$dst_uuid PanOSTunnelID=$tunnelid PanOSMonitorTag=$monitortag PanOSParentSessionID=$parent_session_id PanOSParentStartTime=$parent_start_time PanOSTunnelType=$tunnel PanOSThreatCategory=$thr_category PanOSContentVer=$contentver  

CEF:0|Palo Alto Networks|PAN-OS|$sender_sw_version|$subtype|$type|$numberof-severity|rt=$cef-formatted-receive_time deviceExternalId=$serial src=$src dst=$dst sourceTranslatedAddress=$natsrc destinationTranslatedAddress=$natdst cs1Label=Rule cs1=$rule suser=$srcuser duser=$dstuser app=$app cs3Label=Virtual System cs3=$vsys cs4Label=Source Zone cs4=$from cs5Label=Destination Zone cs5=$to deviceInboundInterface=$inbound_if deviceOutboundInterface=$outbound_if cs6Label=LogProfile cs6=$logset cn1Label=SessionID cn1=$sessionid cnt=$repeatcnt spt=$sport dpt=$dport sourceTranslatedPort=$natsport destinationTranslatedPort=$natdport flexString1Label=Flags flexString1=$flags proto=$proto act=$action request=$misc cs2Label=URL Category cs2=$category flexString2Label=Direction flexString2=$direction PanOSActionFlags=$actionflags externalId=$seqno cat=$threatid filePath=$cloud fileId=$pcap_id fileHash=$filedigest fileType=$filetype suid=$sender msg=$subject duid=$recipient oldFileId=$reportid PanOSDGl1=$dg_hier_level_1 PanOSDGl2=$dg_hier_level_2 PanOSDGl3=$dg_hier_level_3 PanOSDGl4=$dg_hier_level_4 PanOSVsysName=$vsys_name dvchost=$device_name PanOSSrcUUID=$src_uuid PanOSDstUUID=$dst_uuid PanOSTunnelID=$tunnelid PanOSMonitorTag=$monitortag PanOSParentSessionID=$parent_session_id PanOSParentStartTime=$parent_start_time PanOSTunnelType=$tunnel PanOSThreatCategory=$thr_category PanOSContentVer=$contentver  

CEF:0|Palo Alto Networks|PAN-OS|$sender_sw_version|$result|$type|1|rt=$cefformatted-receive_time deviceExternalId=$serial shost=$host cs3Label=Virtual System cs3=$vsys act=$cmd duser=$admin destinationServiceName=$client msg=$path externalId=$seqno PanOSDGl1=$dg_hier_level_1 PanOSDGl2=$dg_hier_level_2 PanOSDGl3=$dg_hier_level_3 PanOSDGl4=$dg_hier_level_4 PanOSVsysName=$vsys_name dvchost=$device_name PanOSActionFlags=$actionflags Optional: cs1Label=Before Change Detail cs1=$before-change-detail cs2Label=After Change Detail cs2=$after-change-detail  

CEF:0|Palo Alto Networks|PAN-OS|$sender_sw_version|$subtype|$type|$numberof-severity|rt=$cef-formatted-receive_time deviceExternalId=$serial cs3Label=Virtual System cs3=$vsys fname=$object flexString2Label=Module flexString2=$module msg=$opaque externalId=$seqno cat=$eventid PanOSDGl1=$dg_hier_level_1 PanOSDGl2=$dg_hier_level_2 PanOSDGl3=$dg_hier_level_3 PanOSDGl4=$dg_hier_level_4 PanOSVsysName=$vsys_name dvchost=$device_name PanOSActionFlags=$actionflags  

Hip Match 
CEF:0|Palo Alto Networks|PAN-OS|$sender_sw_version|$matchtype|$type|1|rt=$cef-formatted-receive_time deviceExternalId=$serial suser=$srcuser cs3Label=Virtual System cs3=$vsys shost=$machinename src=$src cnt=$repeatcnt externalId=$seqno cat=$matchname start=$cef-formatted-time_generated cs2Label=Operating System cs2=$os PanOSActionFlags=$actionflags PanOSDGl1=$dg_hier_level_1 PanOSDGl2=$dg_hier_level_2 PanOSDGl3=$dg_hier_level_3 PanOSDGl4=$dg_hier_level_4 PanOSVsysName=$vsys_name dvchost=$device_name cn2Label=Virtual System ID cn2=$vsys_id c6a2Label=IPv6 Source Address c6a2=$srcipv6  

CEF:0|Palo Alto Networks|PAN-OS|$sender_sw_version|$subtype|$type|1|rt=$cefformatted-receive_time deviceExternalId=$serial cs1Label=Server Profile cs1=$serverprofile cs2Label=Normalize User cs2=$normalize_user cs3Label=Virtual System cs3=$vsys cs4Label=Authentication Policy cs4=$authpolicy cs5Label=Client Type cs5=$clienttype cs6Label=Log Action cs6=$logset fname=$object cn1Label=Factor Number cn1=$factorno cn2Label=Authentication ID cn2=$authid src=$ip cnt=$repeatcnt duser=$user flexString2Label=Vendor flexString2=$vendor msg=$event externalId=$seqno PanOSDGl1=$dg_hier_level_1 PanOSDGl2=$dg_hier_level_2 PanOSDGl3=$dg_hier_level_3 PanOSDGl4=$dg_hier_level_4 PanOSVsysName=$vsys_name dvchost=$device_name PanOSActionFlags=$actionflags PanOSDesc=$desc  

CEF:0|Palo Alto Networks|PAN-OS|$sender_sw_version|$subtype|$type|1|rt=$cefformatted-receive_time deviceExternalId=$serial cs1Label=Factor Type cs1=$factortype cs3Label=Virtual System cs3=$vsys cs4Label=Data Source Name cs4=$datasourcename cs5Label=Data Source cs5=$datasource cs6Label=Data Source Type cs6=$datasourcetype cn1Label=Factor Number cn1=$factorno cn2Label=Virtual System ID cn2=$vsys_id cn3Label=Timeout Threshold cn3=$timeout src=$ip spt=$beginport dpt=$endport cnt=$repeatcnt duser=$user externalId=$seqno cat=$eventid end=$factorcompletiontime PanOSDGl1=$dg_hier_level_1 PanOSDGl2=$dg_hier_level_2 PanOSDGl3=$dg_hier_level_3 PanOSDGl4=$dg_hier_level_4 PanOSVsysName=$vsys_name dvchost=$device_name PanOSActionFlags=$actionflags  

CEF:0|Palo Alto Networks|PAN-OS|$sender_sw_version|$subtype|$type|1|rt=$cefformatted-receive_time deviceExternalId=$serial src=$src dst=$dst sourceTranslatedAddress=$natsrc destinationTranslatedAddress=$natdst cs1Label=Rule cs1=$rule suser=$srcuser duser=$dstuser app=$app cs3Label=Virtual System cs3=$vsys cs4Label=Source Zone cs4=$from cs5Label=Destination Zone cs5=$to deviceInboundInterface=$inbound_if deviceOutboundInterface=$outbound_if cs6Label=Log Action cs6=$logset cn1Label=SessionID cn1=$sessionid cnt=$repeatcnt spt=$sport dpt=$dport sourceTranslatedPort=$natsport destinationTranslatedPort=$natdport flexString1Label=Flags flexString1=$flags proto=$proto act=$action externalId=$seqno PanOSActionFlags=$actionflags PanOSDGl1=$dg_hier_level_1 PanOSDGl2=$dg_hier_level_2 PanOSDGl3=$dg_hier_level_3 PanOSDGl4=$dg_hier_level_4 PanOSVsysName=$vsys_name dvchost=$device_name PanOSTunnelID=$tunnelid PanOSMonitorTag=$monitortag PanOSParentSessionID=$parent_session_id PanOSParentStartTime=$parent_start_time cs2Label=Tunnel Type cs2=$tunnel flexNumber1Label=Total bytes flexNumber1=$bytes in=$bytes_sent out=$bytes_received cn2Label=Packets cn2=$packets PanOSPacketsSent=$pkts_sent PanOSPacketsReceived=$pkts_received flexNumber2Label=Maximum Encapsulation flexNumber2=$max_encap cfp1Label=Unknown Protocol cfp1=$unknown_proto cfp2Label=Strict Checking cfp2=$strict_check PanOSTunnelFragment=$tunnel_fragment cfp3Label=Sessions Created cfp3=$sessions_created cfp4Label=Sessions Closed cfp4=$sessions_closed reason=$session_end_reason cat=$action_source start=$cef-formatted-time_generated cn3Label=Elapsed time in seconds cn3=$elapsed  

CEF:0|Palo Alto Networks|PAN-OS|8.0|$category|$type|$severity|rt=$cefformatted-receive_time deviceExternalId=$serial start=$cef-formattedtime_generated src=$src suser=$srcuser cs3Label=Virtual System cs3=$vsys severity=$severity PanOSDGl1=$dg_hier_level_1 PanOSDGl2=$dg_hier_level_2 PanOSDGl3=$dg_hier_level_3 PanOSDGl4=$dg_hier_level_4 PanOSVsysName=$vsys_name dvchost=$device_name cn2Label=Virtual System ID cn2=$vsys_id fname=$object_name cn3Label=Object ID cn3=$object_id msg=$evidence

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