Logpoint Incidents Integrate with ServiceNow


Hi Team,

Is it possible to integrate Logpoint -Incident page to ServiceNow.

We want to check  whether Logpoint has that capability.



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Nils Krumrey

It is possible in principle and I know several customers have done this - perhaps one of them can comment here. You will need some knowledge of ServiceNow, so it’s not just a click and you’re done - you can either set up an external notification in LogPoint when an incident is triggered so an email is sent to ServiceNow (via “email to case” essentially), or you configure a REST API integration from within LogPoint to raise a ticket using the ServiceNow API. The latter part you would have to write yourself. If you wait a bit longer the SOAR element of LogPoint 7 will have a playbook integration and you might be able to query and orchestrate Service Now that way. It will still need some knowledge of their data structures and API though.

Satya Pathivada

thanks for the clasrification.

Could you please elaborate more on external notification on Log point(via email to case).

Nils Krumrey

From a LogPoint perspective, it really is just setting up an external email notification for an alert rule ( https://docs.logpoint.com/docs/alerts-and-incident/en/latest/Alert/Setting%20Up%20Alert%20Notifications.html#configuring-email-notification ), that would got to a specific Service Now email address.  You can format it in whatever way you like in the notification configuration, including subject, fields in the body etc.

I’m not familiar with Service Now itself, but a quick Google revealed this https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/rome-customer-service-management/page/product/customer-service-management/concept/create-rules-incoming-emails-create-assign-cases.html so I’d hope Service Now could help with the setup at their end.

Satya Pathivada

thanks for the doc,moreover iam looking the incident in Logpoint should go to ServiceNow directly.

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