Alert rule with multiple streams and Jinja template not working?


I’ve built a search query that joins two streams/searches.

In the end I do some processing, and rename fields as needed, in my alert I added the renamed fields in my Jinja template, but when I receive the e-mail the fields come up blank.

My rule looks a bit like this:

[..] as s1 followed by [..] as s2 on s1.user=s2.user | process geopip(s2.source_address) | rename log_ts as tidspunkt_ts, s2.user as bruger, s2.machine as computernavn, s2.os_version as OS, s2.source_address as IP, country_name as land, city_name as 'by'

My e-mail notification looks like this:


{{alert_name}} - {% if rows|length is gt 1 %}{{rows|length}} users connected{% else %}{{rows[0].bruger}} connected {% endif %}


{% for row in rows %}
<li><b>Timestamp: </b>{{row.tidspunkt_ts}}</li>
<li><b>Brugernavn: </b>{{row.bruger}}</li>
<li><b>Brugerens Computernavn: </b>{{row.computernavn}}</li>
<li><b>Brugerens OS: </b>{{row.OS}}</li>
<li><b>Brugerens IP: </b>{{row.IP}} ({{}}, {{}})</li>
{% endfor %}

The search works fine, the jinja template does see 9 elements in the list, my template is repeated nine times, but the place where the property should appear contains no text.

Am I missing something obvious or does the rename command not effect the output to the Jinja template?

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Priyanka Shrestha

Hi Thomas,

You can use the "rename" command to produce output on a Jinja template.You need to edit the search query in your alert rule to the following:

[..] as s1 followed by [..] as s2 on s1.user=s2.user | process geopip(s2.source_address) | rename log_ts as tidspunkt_ts, s2.user as bruger, s2.machine as computernavn, s2.os_version as OS, s2.source_address as IP, country_name as land, city_name as 'by'|chart count() by tidspunkt_ts, bruger, computernavn, OS, IP, land, 'by'

Once you add the required fields in chart form, you will be able to get the desired values for each placeholder in your email notification.

Let us know if you have any further queries.

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