Sharing evolution ideas/feature requests with the community


Good morning LogPoint Community !

LogPoint Community seems to be (after less than a day of exploration) a great place to share with other LogPoint users.

But, and I think I saw this possibility in the Community presentation during ThinkIn yesterday, I’m missing a way to share feature requests we might have asked to LogPoint Support with the Community.

This can be an interesting way, I think, for LogPoint users to share ideas we had and maybe also for us to influence the LogPoint roadmap by showing interest we might have to such feature requests using votes.

Is this kind of “User Voice” planned for the Community website in a near future ?

Kind regards,

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CSO Integrations

Good Morning Louis,

Glad you like LogPoint Community so far :)

Indeed, “User Voice“ is really important to us, therefore i am excited to share that our Product Team is currently working on launching a tool dedicated to receive feature requests and feedback from our users. Once launched, the tool will be integrated to LogPoint Community, enabling you to share feature requests in an easy and efficient way.

I hope this answer your question.

Have a great day!

Louis Mesmin des Vaux

Dear Cintia,

Thanks for the reply and looking forward to use this Feature Request tool !

Any idea about an approximate landing date ? :)

Kind regards,

CSO Integrations

Hi Louis,

Without committing to a date on the behalf of our Product Team, I can share as much that in the very near future ( in 2021). Let me keep you updated here as soon as I‘ll know more!

CSO Integrations

Hi Both,

Yes it is. We are currently working on embedding it to the Community header, so you can access it along with the Service Desk and Doc Portal. :)

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