Supported Python Libraries


Hi folks,

Just a quick question - I was wondering what the available libraries are when using a Python script? Is it just the ‘core’ or ‘standard’ Python libraries available, or is it possible to use third-party ones. I’m assuming that LogPoint doesn’t automatically fetch libraries if you put the import statements in.

In which case, is there any way around this (allowing for pip installs) or would we need to create a separate Python application outside of LogPoint and interface with that (either via API or some other means)?

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Sagar Bhandari

Hello Ash,

Yes it is possible to use/install third party library other than standard python libraries.
Although it is possible to install third party library we do not suggest customer to do it by themselves as it requires change in containers so If you want to add third party library we strongly recommend to contact logpoint support for doing so.

Best Regards,

CSO Integrations

Hello Ash,

Yes it is possible to use/install third party library other than standard python libraries.
Although it is possible to install third party library we do not suggest customer to do it by themselves as it requires change in containers so If you want to add third party library we strongly recommend to contact logpoint support for doing so.

Best Regards,

That’s really helpful information to have, thank you.

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