Alarm a missing Event...


Hi @all,

do anyone have an Idea how to alarm a missing Event like:

Every Morning around 4 there should be a “successful copy” Event. I want to Alarm if exactly this Event is missing.

The Alarm should fire around 6 and not much later.

My only Idea is to run a scheduled Report because i can’t configure the ALarm to rum exactly in the Timeframe of 2 hours.

Am i wrong?

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Rupsan Shrestha

You can configure an alert rule like shown in the screenshot below:

This alert rule will be triggered once a day (search interval 1439 mins-1day) and it will look for the logs in 1 day

Then you can configure a condition like this:

This will trigger if there are no logs found for that event

Configuring the time range and search interval can be a tricky part here. For example you’d like this alert to search at 4, so

4 _ (search interval = 1439) -This will search for 1 day of logs..

This is how the this works:

(Query(time_Range)) ---- after the search interval - (Query(time_Range))  ---- after the search interval - (Query(time_Range))

So technically if you apply this alert rule at 4:05. This should trigger the query then run accordingly @ 4:05 and alert if the event is missing.

Please try this and let me know if this works.

Kai Albarus

Ah, yes - i thought about this - but this means that i have to modify the Rule only around 6 in the Morning and i don't know how reboots affect the search interval :-/

However - thanks for your Reply and i think i'll give a try

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