Joining more than two streams of data in logpoint query language


Hi Team, currently, my customer could only join two streams of data at maximum using join queries from pattern-finding expressions. Are there any recommended queries we can use two join more than two streams of data?

I understand that creating tables and using process lookup commands is one way of doing this , but creating multiple tables and populating them one by one and then using it in the query is a hassle I would not want my customer to go through. So is there some native support in the query itself for performing these multiple joins at once?

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Uwe Poliak


I also have the same problem to join 3 or 4 log entries together by querying an ID which is contained in all the entries.

Is there any solution besides the use of dynamic tables?

Kind regards Uwe

Markus Nebel

Hi guys,

see this topic:

It is not possible at the moment. Only with some ugly hacks which won’t fit your requirements.

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