Enrich search results with the related data from a lookup table uploaded in Logpoint


Hi All,

We are happy to share that we have released a new version of our lookup plugin.

Lookup enriches logs with data from a Lookup table uploaded in Logpoint using CSVEnrichmentSource . You must install CSV Enrichment Source to upload the Lookup table.

Lookup supports the following process commands:

  1. Lookup Command

  2. Multi Lookup Command

  3. SAP Lookup Command

  4. Lookup Command with Wildcard

  5. Lookup Command with CIDR

To learn more, please see the links below.

Release note: https://servicedesk.logpoint.com/hc/en-us/articles/9314493946525-Lookup

Documentation: https://docs.logpoint.com/docs/lookup-process-plugin/en/latest/

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