A viable workaround is to use the regex process to put it into a new field and check that it as populated like this:
path=* | process regex("(?P<path_out>[D-Z]:\\.*?)",path) | filter path_out=*
A viable workaround is to use the regex process to put it into a new field and check that it as populated like this:
path=* | process regex("(?P<path_out>[D-Z]:\\.*?)",path) | filter path_out=*
I want to search an absolute windows path name to NOT start with A, B, C drive letters.
I tried queries like this:
path in ['[D-Z]:\\*']
but this doesnt work. Any ideas?
a quick way ;)
-path="A:*" -path="B:*" -path="C:*"
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