I am trying to automate getting some statistics I have to report to the executive relating to the number of resolved and unresolved alerts we are dealing with as a security team.
I’m starting with the the alerts out of Office 365 as I thought that might be easier. The end goal being to aggregate the alerts from a number of different sources and either provide a regular report or dashboard for the executive. However I am starting small.
Getting the number of resolved alerts is fairly straightforward
norm_id="Office365" label="Alert" status="Resolved" host="SecurityComplianceCenter" alert_name=* | chart count()
however getting the unresolved alerts is not quite as easy. My initial test involved negating the status field in the query above. Whist this gave a result, it was not very accurate.
The problem appears to be that the status can be in one of 3 states, “Active”, “Investigating” or “Resolved”, so my first attempt was counting multiple log entries for the same alert.
After some more experimentation I have come up with
[norm_id="Office365" label="Alert" -status="Resolved" host="SecurityComplianceCenter" alert_name=*] as search1
left join
[norm_id="Office365" label="Alert" status="Resolved" host="SecurityComplianceCenter" alert_name=* ] as search2
on search1.alert_id = search2.alert_id | count()
This sort of works and the result is more accurate, but still very different to what Office 365 shows.
I think I need to check that an entry with an Active or an Investigating state only counts once for the same alert_id before it is checked against whether there is a corresponding resolved entry for that alert_id
I am not sure how to achieve this, whether it would need a nested join, or whether nested joins are even possible.
Any hints, or better ways of achieving this would be greatly appreciated.