We have a Cisco IronPort which is analyzing emails.
Each email analysis process generates multiple lines of logs that can be related to each other by a unique id (the normalized field “message_id”).
However, i am now lacking ideas how i can correlate more than two log lines e.g. with a join.
My goal is to first search for logs where the DKIM verification failed. after that I would like to see
log lines that contain the same message_id as the first "DKIM" log line. The number of log lines can vary.
Here are some of my approaches, which unfortunately do not give the desired result:
[message="*DKIMVeri*"] as s1 join [device_ip=] as s2 on s1.message_id = s2.message_id
This only retruns two log lines, not all matching s1.message_id = s2.message_id. Also a “right join” doesn’t work, even when the
documentation indicates it
[4 message="*DKIMVeri*" having same message_id]
“having same” needs to specify the exact amount of logs, while this information is unknown. Furthermore, a result is returned, where only the normalized fields behind the "having same" clause are further usable, not those of the found events. Also the filter “message” here breaks the whole concept.
Do you have any ideas how to solve the issue?