Use cases for working from home

Hi team, do we have some standard dashboards for Work From Home use cases?

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Basudev Raut

Hi Sandesh,

How about following use cases that may be helpful considering the employees are using VPN to access the organizational assets.

  1. Top 10 WFH Users, Tunnel and Group

query: norm_id=* label=ssl label=vpn destination_address=* user=* tunnel_address=* group=* | chart count() by user, tunnel_address, group,destination_address order by count() desc limit 10

  1. Top 10 WFH User Access Data( Total MB)

query: norm_id=* label=ssl label=vpn destination_address=* user=* tunnel_address=* group=* sent_datasize=* received_datasize=* | chart sum(sent_datasize/1024/1024) as sentdataMB, sum (received_datasize/1024/1024)as receiveddataMB, sum((sent_datasize+received_datasize)/1024/1024) as TotaldataMB by user order by TotaldataMB desc limit 10

  1. WFH login Attempt in Off hour( say Before 9AM and After 5 PM)

query: label=ssl user=* label=login hour(log_ts)<9 or hour(log_ts)>=17 | chart count() by log_ts, user

  1. Top 10 failed login in WFH connection

query: label=ssl label=login label=vpn label=fail user=* | chart count() by user order by count() desc limit 10

  1. Top 10 Successful login in WFH Connection

query: -("reason"="tunnel established") label=ssl label=vpn label=up user=* | chart count() by user order by count() desc limit 10

  1. WFH Login Location

query: label=vpn label=ssl source_address=* | process geoip (source_address) as country, region, city, latitude, longitude, time_zone | chart count() by country, region, city, latitude, longitude, time_zone order by count() desc limit 10 | filter country=*

  1. SSL VPN Action

query: label=ssl label=vpn action=* | rename action as "VPN Action"| chart count() by "VPN Action"

  1. VPN Status Overview

query: label=VPN status=* | chart count() by status order by count() desc limit 10

  1. Number of Devices Used for WFH login

query: label=vpn label=ssl source_address=* | chart distinct_count(device_id) as DC by user

Similarly depending on the other sources you have (firewall, TI feed) you could think of :

Top 10 Application Category in Use

Top 10 destination reached from WFH

Top 10 Blocked Site

Operating System Used for Connection

No. of Session In WFH System in a day

No. of Active connection in WFH system

Public IP Used for WFH system

Blacklisted IP used for Connection (TI feed)

Top Office Server Reached from WFH

User Session Duration in WFH

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