Incremental values in SNMP Logs



I am receiving logs from SNMP, but the field names are incremental in nature, which have the same values as the incremental value. For an example:

oid_hierarchy_value_1 = 1

oid_hierarchy_value_2 = 2

oid_hierarchy_value_3 = 3

How can I go about extracting these fields from the logs so that I can do chart sum, average, and so on?

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Rupsan Shrestha

Hello Sandesh,

The incremental values are the child object values under the same parent object.

You can use a query like;

“ | rex oid_hierarchy_value_\d+\s=\s(?P<object_id>)  |  rename object_id as object_name | chart sum(object_name) by device_name“


“ | rex oid_hierarchy_value_(?P<object_id:int>)  |  rename object_id as object_name | chart avg(object_name) by device_name“

You can extract the required value through rex or norm lookup. Then use it as per your requirement in the form of sum, average, count, max, min and so on.

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