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  • Set logpoint as collector and SOAR

    Hi ,

    I have a question regarding configuration of Logpoint. Can we set logpoint as a collector andat  the same time with enable the SOAR? Can we only use one server and set as one console for both?

    CSO Integrations
  • Search Query Placeholder/Wildcard for Exact Amount of Characters?

    Is there a way to replace a certain number of characters with a wildcard in a search query? The asterisk (*) is unfortunately too unspecific for my purposes.

    In other query languages there is for example the "?" for a character, or in regex the ".{n}" quantifier, where "n" is the number of characters.

    A typical application would be the detection of a base64 encoded single char variable assignment like this:

    thus having a search query like this would be very helpful:


    Markus Nebel
  • EventHubs: Azure AD Identity Protection Timestamp Format

    We recently noticed that some Azure EventHubs Applications (e.g. the Azure AD Identity Protection -> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/identity-protection/overview-identity-protection ) are setting the "time" field not in the ISO 8601 Datetime format, but in the "general date long time" format (see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/standard-date-and-time-format-strings#GeneralDateLongTime ).

    Thus the month and day field seem to be mixed up in these cases, and e.g. events that were actually collected on 6th of april (according to col_ts ) are sorted into the repos on 4th of june (because of the wrong log_ts ).
    Also alert rules on these events are then triggering months later, when the accidentally wrongly sorted events slip into the current window of the search time range.

    The following screenshots shows how the timestamp format of the Azure AD Identity Protection differs from the usual ISO 8601 format.


    Do you know if it is somehow possible to change this log timestamp format somewhere in the Azure AD settings?

    Or has the compiled normalizer of the EventHub events to be adjusted?

    Markus Nebel
  • How to configure Recorded Future application on Director


    I’m trying to configure Recorded Future application throug director on fabric enabled LogPoint. I was able to install application through Director on required host but I can’t configure.

    On director Recorded Future is not visible under plugins nor as a sub-type of Threat intelligence plugin. On AiO SIEM on which plugin was installed I can see it under configuration but when I try to configure I’m getting error “Invalid action while Fabric Connect is enabled”.

    Any ideas?

    Piotr Moroz
  • Microsoft Defender ATP v5.1.0 is now released

    Dear all,

    Microsoft Defender ATP v5.1.0 is now released and publicly available on the Help Centre via the link below:


    CSO Integrations
  • Connecting FortiSIEM with LogPoint SOAR


    Can FortiSIEM from Fortinet product connecting to LogPoint SOAR?

    IF yes, can share with me the step or the action needed.

    CSO Integrations
  • Spring has finally sprung! But this #Bumblebee isn’t interested in pollination - This one’s a malicious downloader.

    In the third instalment of our Emerging Threats series our researchers took a look at Bumblebee’s evolution and determined how you can best protect your organisation with in-depth analysis and response via #Logpoint

    For the full article, click here: https://www.logpoint.com/en/blog/buzz-of-the-bumblebee-a-new-malicious-loader/

    CSO Integrations
  • How can we get report or dashboard how many rules triggered overall in logpoint

    How can we get report or dashboard how many rules triggered overall in logpoint

    Satya Pathivada
  • Layout Templates import

    Hi folks, just a quick one.

    I noticed on the Layout Templates section of the Reports tab that you can import a template. However, it doesn’t look like you can actually export a template. So, my question is - what kind of template do you import?

    Is there a specific file format or report schema that needs to be used, or does that option just not do anything at the moment?

    I did look on this page but there didn’t seem to be an explanation there either.

    CSO Integrations
  • SSL certificates for Web Interface with 1x Root CA and 2x Intermediaries

    Hi folks,

    We’re hoping to add some SSL certificates to our LogPoint installation for the web interface, but just wanted to clarify some information. We currently have SSL certificates with a Root CA and 2 intermediaries - do these need to be combined into a fullchain certificate, or does each part need to be put somewhere else in the LogPoint installation?

    I saw this post with a reply from Nils referencing the CSR, which is great, but we just want to make sure that we’re putting the certificates in the right place.

    If the certificate files do need to go somewhere else, I’m assuming they can’t be uploaded via the web interface?

    CSO Integrations
  • alert creation with ForeScout

    Hello,I would like to create several use cases for the "ForeScout" security device.Do you have any ideas how I would like to set up alerts with ForeScout?
    Frederic MARINKOVIC
  • Backup best practices


    I’m designing my backup. So far in the documentation, I’ve read two options: application snapshot and application backup, both are writing to the local disk.

    Let’s put aside the configuration backup as it’s less than 1 GB. The real challenge comes with backing up repos.

    In an on-prem infrastructure, backups are stored in the backup infrastructure, with VTL and so on. There’s no way I can request to double the size of the repo disk just to store a consistent backup that I will have, then, to transfer to the backup infrastructure.

    In a cloud infrastructure, the backup would go directly to the object storage such as S3 Glacier. Neither would we rent a disk space used only during backup, though it might be easier to do in a cloud environment.

    In addition to the backup and snapshot methods from the documentation, I should add the option of disk snapshot, either from the guest OS or from the disk array (only for on-prem infrastructure). These would provide a stable file system onto which the backup software must run (as snapshots are not backups). There is also the option to snapshot the entire appliance from the hypervisor and hope for the best.

    Now, let’s say I’ve got 30 TB of logs I need to backup, which accounts for about one year of logs.

    When I look at the documentation options, I would have to schedule a daily backup with the last day of data (but it doesn’t seem dynamic in the options), which would copy the files under /opt/makalu/backup/repos I assume, and then use SFTP to fetch these and find a way to inject them in the backup software. That doesn’t seem convenient at all.

    We need to add to the previous thoughts the restoration use cases:

    1. The deletion of repo data by fucking up the retention configuration (I think it’s not possible to delete a repo that contains data)
    2. A corruption of the filesystem or destruction of the appliance

    In case 1, we’d need to restore only a repo. In case 2, we need to restore everything.

    When I look at the filesystem under /opt/makalu/storage, it looks neatly organised by year, month and day folder, then we’ve got unix timestamp filenames with in .gz (which triggers another question about the use of ZFS compression if the files are gzipped anyway). So, for case 1, if I could restore the appropriate folders of lost past data, I should be good. For case 2, if I restore the entire filesystem, I should be as good as possible. Maybe the filesystem won’t have the last commit on disk, but it shouldn’t be corrupted.

    So, why is there all this backup thing in place that duplicates data locally for log repos? What am I missing that could just prevent good restoration if I backup the filesystem (that the hypervisor backup software should be able to quiesce externally and backup)?

    Would the following be consistent?

    1. Run the configuration backup with LP job (because it looks like there’s a database and so on)
    2. Get the hypervisor to tell the guest OS to quiesce the filesystem, then snapshot the disks
    3. Backup the disks with whatever differential backup the backup software can do

    Of course, it’s unlikely sysadmins will want to backup the 30 TB logs every day, because I predict the deduplication on an encrypted filesystem won’t be good (ha, I didn’t say but for regulation compliance the repos are encrypted by ZFS). Still, it could be a valid scenario.

    How do customers backup large volume of logs?

    Didier CAMBEFORT
  • BoxAudit_v5.1.1 application release

    We have released the BoxAudit_v5.1.1 application publicly in the Help Centre.

    To find out more, you can find the application package here: https://servicedesk.logpoint.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002071597 and the documentation here: https://docs.logpoint.com/docs/boxaudit/en/latest/

    CSO Integrations
  • SpringShell - Research conducted on the emerging SpringShell family of vulnerabilities

    Read latest blogpost where LogPoint provides an overview of the research conducted on the emerging SpringShell family of vulnerabilities – A Remote Code Execution(RCE) based exploit found in the popular JAVA framework, Spring. The blog post is accompanied by a Logpoint Emerging Threats Protection report, covering detection methods, investigation playbooks, and recommended responses and best practices.



    / Brian

    Brian Hansen
  • Deep Dive Session on Scaling and Sizing 26th April 2022

    In this post you will find the materials from todays session on Scaling and Sizing of Logpoint.

    Attached you will find the slides used in the presentation today and below you will find the relevant links:

    The system overview mentioned can be found in your logpoint environment under Settings  System  System Monitor. Besides that, you can use the following queries to get an overview of the system resource usage searching in the _logpoint repository:

    • Disk : logpoint_name=* device_ip="" label="harddisk" mount_point="/opt/makalu/storage" | timechart max(use) by logpoint_name, mount_point  every 1 hour
    • CPU : logpoint_name=* device_ip="" label="CPU"| timechart avg(use) by logpoint_name every 10 minute
    • Physical Memory : logpoint_name=* device_ip="" label="memory physical"| timechart avg(use) by logpoint_name every 10 minute
    • Virtual Memory: logpoint_name=* device_ip="" label="memory virtual"| timechart avg(use) by logpoint_name every 30 minute
    • Started reports : "source_name"="/opt/immune/var/log/report/report.log"  | process regex(".*status\=\s*(?P<status>.*?)\;",msg)   | search status=Started | chart count(status) as Startede_Rapporter
    • Failed reports : "source_name"="/opt/immune/var/log/report/report.log"  | process regex(".*status\=\s*(?P<status>.*?)\;",msg)   | process regex(".*msg\=\s*(?P<message>.*)",msg)   | search status=Failed* | chart count(status) as Fejlede_Rapporter

    Kind regards

    Logpoint Training Team

    Nicolai Thorndahl
  • Ideas: How to automatically (unit) test alert rules?

    We use a large and growing number of self-developed alert rules for our customers, which we manage and develop further in an internal git repository via gitlab. For quality assurance in the continuous integration process, we still need a way to test the alert rules automatically.

    The idea is to check whether each alert rule triggers on the necessary events and behaves as expected in borderline cases. Very similar to unit testing in software development, just for alert rules instead of source code.

    Our idea so far is as follows:

    • Connect an up-to-date LogPoint as a virtual machine as a QA system to our Director environment
    • Create a snapshot of the "freshly installed" state
    • Restore the snapshot via script from the gitlab CI pipeline
    • Use the Director API to add a repo, routing policy, normalizer policy, processing policy for the different log types
    • Use the Director API to add a device and syslog collector with the corresponding processing policy for each log type
    • Use the Director API with our deployment script to deploy all alert rules
    • For each alert rule, there is then a formal test specification that uses another script to send predefined log events with current timestamps to the logpoint system and check them against the expected triggering behavior of the enabled alert rules in the specification
    • The CI pipeline status is set to "passed" or "failed" accordingly

    Are there any ready-made approaches here, or recommendations on how to implement the above?

    Markus Nebel
  • Top 5 SOAR Use Cases

    Analysts are constantly swamped with alerts, and to deal with this, they have to rely on repetitive manual tasks. This is like putting water on an oil fire, making the situation much worse and more time-consuming.

    SOCs need a solution that enables them to manage and prioritize their workflow efficiently by giving them the ability to collect security threat data and alerts from multiple sources. This is where Logpoint steps in.

    Previously we identified top use cases for SIEM . This time here are five common SOAR use cases that every organization should implement to reduce alert fatigue, overload and subsequently increase productivity in your SOC team.

    01 Automated alert triage and enrichment
    02 Endpoint malware mitigation
    03 Automated Phishing Investigation and Response
    04 Automated Threat Intelligence management
    05 Ransomware mitigation

    01 Automated alert triage and enrichment

    Logpoint SOAR automates alert triage and enriches the alerts with additional information from multiple sources enabling analysts to focus on incidents requiring human intervention.

    Usually, SOCs must deal with security alerts by manually reviewing and investigating all security alerts that lack additional context. That is a challenging and costly circumstance.

    Logpoint SOAR integrates with many solutions, such as HR or travel systems. This functionality allows additional information to accompany the alert, which means the threat(s) are dealt with swiftly.


    02 Endpoint malware mitigation

    Endpoints are increasingly targeted by malware attacks, with smartphones and laptops being the most vulnerable targets. The occurrences are increasing due to the move to remote working and endpoints operating outside of the organizational network.

    These circumstances generate false positives or low severity cases, and addressing these manually results in long response times, thus increasing risk.

    Within seconds Logpoint SOAR can orchestrate and automate actions to investigate and respond to the high volume of alerts and determine the severity and respond accordingly, ensuring that the security team prioritizes the most critical malware attacks, drastically minimizing risk.


    03 Automated Phishing Investigation and Response

    Phishing attacks are not going anywhere soon, and in fact, they are on the rise. Did you know that 36% of data breaches involve phishing attacks?

    Manually investigating a phishing alert can take hours or even days for the analysts and require multiple security tools.

    Logpoint SOAR accelerates the phishing investigation and response time from hours to minutes with out-of-the-box and automated playbooks, which severely reduce time wastage and, in contrast, aid efficiency and productivity within SOC teams.


    04 Automated Threat Intelligence management

    Logpoint SOAR automatically collects and centralizes threat data from various threat intelligence sources, ensuring analysts can leverage the most current threat intelligence data and can use it to discover malicious indicators or to understand how different alerts are connected.

    This enables faster response times to real threats and drastically minimizes risk.

    Logpoint SOAR’s threat intelligence capabilities include the centralized collection of TI, a lower risk rating on a TI feed based on actual false positives found, and fusion and deduplication of TI feeds.


    05 Ransomware mitigation

    A considerable percentage of organizations were victimized by ransomware last year, and the attacks are on the rise, with variants constantly evolving.

    Manual responses to these attacks are challenging as the techniques used are becoming more advanced, and more companies are willing to pay for their data to be recovered. Therefore, rather than constantly improving existing endpoint protection platforms, companies should use a solution that can successfully detect and respond to the attacks.

    Here time is a critical factor. Logpoint SOAR acts quickly and automatically based on the classification of the alerts mapped to the MITRE ATT&CK framework. Detection, classification, investigation, and response are tied together, further expediting the incident investigation process.


    For more in-depth information on these use cases check our SOAR brochure or ask for a demo via customersuccess@logpoint.com

    CSO Integrations
  • New in KB: How to locate internal logs in LogPoint?

    LogPoint stores its internal logs in the /opt/immune/var/log/ directory. Here is the description of the most useful log types inside that directory.

    1. Service logs
      This holds the internal service logs for each of the service of LogPoint. The current is the file in which logs are currently being written. The log files are regularly rolled over and are kept in the same directory as current .
    2. Benchmarker Logs
      This contains the benchmarker data for various services. Not all services are benchmarked but important services like norm_front, normalizers, storehandlers, indexsearchers, premerger, various collector & fetchers have benchmarker data in this location.
    3. System Metrics Logs
      This contains the operating system metrics that is regularly benchmarked in the system. It contains the information of CPU Usage, Memory Usage, Network Usage, Hard Disk Usage kept every 1 minute.

    4. Audit Logs
      This contains the audit logs of various services in LogPoint. For example, one of the useful is that of webserver, which contains information of which user made what changes at what time from the UI.

    These information can also be obtained from LogPoint's Search as these logs are collected using the file system collector into the _logpoint repo. These are normalized as well, so with appropriate queries we can even construct dashboard widgets and alert rules based on the data from these internal log files.
    Some useful queries:

    | chart count() by source_name
    label = Benchmarker
    "source_name"="/opt/immune/var/log/benchmarker/norm_front.log"| timechart avg(actual_mps)
    "source_name"="/opt/immune/var/log/benchmarker/store_handler.log"| timechart avg(actual_mps)

    CSO Integrations
  • New in KB: How to handle a repo failed issue

    We occasionally encounter cases where we cannot perform search because a particular repo has failed. In that situation, the search UI does not allow to make any searches if that repo is selected.

    What does "repo failed" mean?

    The "readiness" status of service responsible for searching in a particular repo (indexsearcher) is kept by central searching service (merger) in "alive" field for each repo. If the "alive" status of a repo is false in the config file of merger service, failed repo issue is seen when making search in that repo. This could happen if index searcher service for that repo is not running as expected or if the config file of the merger service is not updated according to the status of indexsearcher service.


    Whenever we get repo failed for a particular repo then it is always wise to check the logs for the indexsearcher service of that repo.

    tail -f -n 50 /opt/immune/var/log/service/indexsearcher_<repo_name>/current#replace <repo_name> with actual repo name. for e.g. for repo with name "Windows",the command will betail -f -n 50 /opt/immune/var/log/service/indexsearcher_Windows/current

    The above command will output the last 50 logs for the indexsearcher service of the particular repo.

    You can also check if indexsearcher is replying back to alive probe with tcpdump on query.source.socket.

    grep "query.source.socket" /opt/immune/etc/config/indexsearcher_<repo_name>/config.jsontcpdump -i any port <query.source.socket port> -Aq

    If indexsearcher is alive, you should see {"isalive":true} and {"alive":true} messages


    If there are no errors in the tail command and "alive":true messages are being seen in tcpdump commands but the failed repo error is still being seen with search,  try checking alive status in merger config.

    grep -B1 alive /opt/immune/etc/config/merger/config.json

    Potential Scenarios

    1. Indexsearcher service is recently restarted
      If an indexsearcher service for a repo is just restarted then for large repos it takes few minutes to scan metadata for stored indexes, before searches can be served. During that period, the repo failed error is observed.
    2. LogPoint machine is recently rebooted
      If a LogPoint machine is recently rebooted then the indexsearcher services take time to initialize services. During those few minutes, repo failed error can be seen for some repos.
    3. Issue in the indexsearcher service
      If there is some error in the indexsearcher service, then repo failed issue does not resolve on its own.
      In such scenarios, please review the logs of the indexsearcher service as mentioned above. It is recommended to create a support ticket in such scenarios for further investigation and resolution of the problem. It will be helpful to include the service log of indexsearcher service of that repo in the ticket. The log file is located at
    CSO Integrations
  • New in KB: How to handle report generation failed ?

    When we encounter cases when report fails to generate, There might be several reasons why this happened. Here are the list of things that can be attempted to handle report generation issues:

    1. Try running the report again
      Sometimes, report might fail when there is high load in the system. And just trying to run the report again after sometime might result successful generation of report.
    2. Try increasing the heap_size of the report
      There is an option in the report template (in the right side) to increase the heap_size of the report job. Large reports (reports with more number of queries and large time ranges) require larger memory.
      So, increasing the heap_size incrementally from 512 MB to few GBs (up to 4GB) can be helpful.
    3. Try searching for each of the query in the report in search, if they are working fine or not
      This is kind of a brute force way to figure out the problematic query or query which might be causing the report failure.
      If any of the repo is down or if any of the query has issues, then report might fail. So, even though this step might take some time, this can be really helpful.
    4. Try splitting the report if there are too many queries
      Sometimes, due to large size of the report (both in number of queries as well as in terms of timerange), the amount of data to be handled can be rocket high, hundreds of millions of events.
      Splitting the report both in terms of queries as well as splitting the timerange of the report can also be helpful.
    5. For Scheduled Reports
      If the report is scheduled, it is wise to see if there are any other reports scheduled at the same time or not. If that is the case then, trying to schedule less reports simultaneously can help. This will reduce the load in the system.
    6. Contact to support
      Even after trying above steps, if the report is still failing then it's time for some expert eyes. Please contact the support in that scenario. But try to attach the following information in the beginning itself so that support staff can act quickly in the issue.
      • Attach the screenshot of the error message as seen in the report jobs status.
      • Also, attach the following file from the backend: /opt/immune/var/log/report/report.log
        This file contains more details about the failed report.

    Some Potential Scenarios

    1. Report Gets Timed Out
    Sometimes large reports might take more time to complete than the default time out period for the reports (30 minutes). If the report times out, the timeout period needs to be increased to accommodate for large reports. This can be done by support staff.

    2. Report stays at running state and neither completes nor fails
    If the indexsearcher service is restarted midway when a report is generating, then the report can stay in running state. In that case, we need to check if any related repo's indexsearcher service has restarted when report was running.
    And if that is true, cancel the report job and start generating report again.

    CSO Integrations
  • New in KB: How to handle diskfull issues

    Occasionally, we encounter issues where one of the mount point in LogPoint is full. The disk full conditions can be because of various reasons and it is of utmost importance to immediately free some disk so that LogPoint can function normally.

    Under disk full situations for /opt and primary repo path /opt/immune/storage locations, the log collection of LogPoint will be affected.


    To detect the disk full situations, we can use the df command.

    df -h

    In the output of this command, we can either look for the percent usage of each mount point or the available storage space. These indicators will help us detect disk full scenarios.


    Now, once we find out the problem in LogPoint is because of lack of storage space, we can dive deeper.

    /opt path has 100% storage used

    The /opt mount point generally stores the necessary config files, service log files, mongoDB data and executables of LogPoint. For normal functioning of LogPoint it is critical to have some storage space available.
    Since in normal scenario, this mount point does not actively store much data, it is unlikely to have storage space 100% used. But when it encounters such cases, we have to investigate using du command and find out which directory or file is the cause of disk getting full. The command that helps out is as follows:

    du -sch <file_1> <file_2> <directory_1> <directory_2>#To check all files and folder in current working directorydu -sch *

    It is important to try this command manually across the directories inside /opt to detect the culprit. Note: /opt/immune/storage is usually mounted to a different pool or lvm.

    Frequently encountered cases

    1. Storage occupied by old upgrade patch files.
      The old upgrade patch files are stored in /opt/immune/var/patches/installed/ directory. These patch files range from few MBs to hundreds of MBs and they can be reason for /opt being full. These older patch files can be deleted, if we are sure that these old upgrades are successfully installed in LogPoint.
    2. Storage occupied by mongoDB data directory
      The mongodb's data directory is /opt/immune/db/ . Sometimes the size of the db can be huge when the LogPoint has too many configurations data.
      In that case, please contact LogPoint support.
    3. Storage occupied by service log files
      The service log files are stored in /opt/immune/var/log/ directory. In some cases when some service is in debug mode or due to some errors some log files can swell to unexpected size. In that cases, we have no option but to delete such files. We have to locate such anomalous files and delete them. This can be done by the same du command to check file size.
      Since the content of those files are already indexed into LogPoint's log ingestion pipeline it is fine to delete the service logs. But only do so, if you are sure, else contact LogPoint support to do so.
    4. Storage occupied by nxlog dump files
      We have observed this issue in few customers when nxlog dumps some files in the directory
      /opt/nxlog/var/spool/nxlog/ .
      These files might can cause storage full in /opt mount point. So, cleaning the dump files or just moving them to other larger mounts should help. This issue has been addressed by recent version of LPAgent so, please update it to latest one to avoid having this issue.

    /opt/immune/storage has 100% storage used

    Usually /opt/immune/storage mount point has larger storage space compared to /opt because it has to store the logs and indices files as primary retention path.

    If this mount point gets 100% used, then log collection gets halted and related services will stop to function. It is important to fix such issues. To drill down which directory might be using a lot of space, same old du command does the trick.

    The probable cases when /opt/immune/storage is full can be as follows:

    1. Storage occupied by logs and indices
      In most of the cases, when /opt/immune/storage is full, this is because of the logs and indices. The logs and indices directory grow in size because of the data stored by LogPoint.

      In normal scenario we would expect disk size to be estimated properly so that, the logs stored will not exceed the provisioned space. Sometimes for some repos however there might be abrupt increase in event rate. In such scenarios we can either decrease the retention for the repos with most amount of data. Otherwise, we need to allocate more disk to accommodate increased log volume.
    2. Storage occupied by buffer directories
      There are some buffer directories which sometime can fill up, due to issues in the LogPoint and that can cause storage full scenarios. These buffer directories can be as follows:
      • /opt/immune/storage/highavailability/ - Issue in the highavailability (HA) functionality.
      • /opt/immune/storage/OldLogsKeeper/ - There are too much old logs coming in to the LogPoint machine.
      • /opt/immune/storage/FileKeepeer - If there is an issue in the indexsearcher service then logs are buffered in this directory.

        If any of the above directory are occupying too large space, then please call support for assistance.

    In any of the above situations if you are not sure, it is important to call support for help. The paths mentioned here are for default installations. For some custom changes in the data mount point and so on, the paths might differ.

    Note : The paths /opt/makalu and /opt/immune paths are actually same because in Logpoint /opt/immune is a soft symlink to /opt/makalu .

    CSO Integrations
  • New in KB: Troubleshooting LPAgent issues

    Please follow the documentation for LPAgent at https://docs.logpoint.com/docs/logpoint-agent/en/latest/index.html carefully. Sometimes simple steps like processing policy or even the collector/fetcher are missed while configuring devices.

    Important Considerations for LPAgent:


    Logs should be coming into the system in few minutes once the setup is done, but sometimes we don't see any logs in the search. Below we have described few common issues faced on customer environment and their debugging procedures.

    Service Status:

    Check if lpagent process is running on windows side & lpa_manager and lpanx_collector services are running on LogPoint.

    > netstat -nap | egrep ':7998|:7999'____________________________________________________________tcp 0 0* LISTEN 30445/lpanx_collecttcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 30445/lpanx_collect tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 30445/lpanx_collect tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 30445/lpanx_collect# 7998 or 7999 should be on listening state and # various established session should be seen with windows ip

    LPAgent Issue:

    1. There is a bug on lpagent installation for 6.11.x+ LP where necessary dependencies aren't installed properly. We can verify it by running below mentioned cmd. The fix should be released on future version but current workaround is to reinstall the plugin, make sure normalization packages and lpagent collector are removed from devices before deleting the application.
      > tail -f /opt/immune/var/log/service/lpanx_collector/current____________________________________________________________FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/opt/nxlog/bin/lpanx_collector'
    2. Nxlog has deprecated batching, so if you have enabled batching mode, please disable it and restart the lpa_manager and lpanx_collector service.
    3. Orphan or duplicate process of lpanx_collector running, only one instance should be running on the server
      > ps -ef | grep /opt/nxlog/etc/lpanx_collector.conf | grep -v grep____________________________________________________________loginsp+ 30445 30404  0  2021 ?  04:22:00 /opt/nxlog/bin/lpanx_collector -f -c /opt/nxlog/etc/lpanx_collector.conf

    Config & Cert Discrepancy:

    If the windows side has only encrypted port allowed and logpoint agent is re-installed or cert is regenerated, windows won't accept connection with new certs. In such cases we can manually copy the conf and certs to the windows side.

    Doing manual changes on large number of servers can be hassle. Therefore for syncing all the severs automatically following steps are recommended:

    • Remove logpoint agent and associated device from configuration
    • Re-install lpagent application on logpoint and allow 7994 port in windows side
    • Add a new device and set the connection on TCP mode
    • Once the connection is done, change the mode to TLS and push the config

    File Permissions and Types:

    Sometimes event logs are received but file collection module isn’t receiving any logs, either the file path wasn’t set correctly or the lpagent didn’t had enough permissions to read those files on the system.

    Evtx files can't be fetched using file collection module.

    Queue in Normalization:

    Windows logs can cause queue in normalization layer if the normalization packages are in wrong sequence. For example; always make sure windows normalization policy has LPA_Windows above DNSCompiledNormalizer (has some regex checks which takes longer time). After that restart the normalizer service and queue should be decreased, 2nd and 3rd column would have persistent large values if queue is present in below output.

    netstat -nap | grep :5505____________________________________________________________tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      -                  tcp        0      0          ESTABLISHED -                  tcp        0      0          ESTABLISHED -                   tcp        0      0         ESTABLISHED -                  tcp        0      0         ESTABLISHED -                  tcp        0      0          ESTABLISHED –

    Connection Issue:

    Firewall Rules:

    Port 7994-5 is used by LP to share conf and certs with windows. Inbound firewall for 7994 and 7995 needs to be open at windows.

    [7994] – Unencrypted Communication Channel[7995] – Encrypted Communication Channel

    Port 7998-9 is used to collect logs from windows by a service called lpanx_collector, outbound firewall is needed for 7998-7999 from windows to LP

    [7998] – lpanx_collector [Unencrypted data channel][7999] – lpanx_collector [Encrypted data channel]

    Note: This rules applies to the Collector LP Machine not Backend, if backend and collector LP are different. Please make sure the firewall or switch between logpoint and windows also have necessary rules and routes setup.

    How to test if the endpoints are reachable and connected from Logpoint:

    For unencrypted connection:

    > telnet <windows_ip> 7994____________________________________________________________Trying windows_ip ...Connected to windows_ip# the windows is reachable from logpoint side> telnet <windows_ip> 7994____________________________________________________________Trying windows_ip ...telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused# the windows is not reachable from logpoint side

    For encrypted connection:

    > openssl s_client -connect <windows_ip>:7995____________________________________________________________CONNECTED(0000003) # if reachable and certs are correct____________________________________________________________connect: Connection refusedconnect:errno=111 # if unreachable or certs are invalid

    Current status:

    > netstat -nap | egrep ":7999|:7998" | grep ESTABLISHED# Output contains all the established connections > netstat -nap | egrep ":7999|:7998" | grep -v ESTABLISHED# Output contains all the connections that logpoint is trying to make but fails# 5th column is the windows ip

    On windows side you can just check the logs files to see if the connection is being broken or refused at C:/Program Files/lpagent/data/lpagent.log

    CPU/Memory Spike:

    • Unsupported file formats can cause overhead on nxlog processor.
    • Selecting mem buffer instead of disk buffer can also cause memory spike if the connection isn't stable.
    • Older LPAgent version had a memory leak, so please upgrade the plugin to latest version.

    Note: LogPoint Agent is powered by NxLog and is just a user friendly way of sending logs via windows. If you are comfortable with nxlog, it can directly send logs to syslog port of LP which would eradicate some of the issue with LPAgent. For example: collection of custom evtx files.

    Some of the commands might require root access, please consult support if above mentioned steps are confusing or didn't help you figure out the cause for the issue.

    CSO Integrations
  • Logpoint's status on CVE-2022-22965

    CVE Summary : A Spring MVC or Spring WebFlux application running on JDK 9+ may be vulnerable to remote code execution (RCE) via data binding.

    CVE Reference : https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-22965

    Logpoint Summary :

    LogPoint uses spring framework in report engine, to connect with MongoDB using Spring-Mongo api. So, as transitive dependencies, spring-beans-3.1.2.RELEASE.jar is used. LogPoint does not have external exposure with this spring library as we are not using controller and accepting web requests via spring framework. Thus, we are not directly impacted by this vulnerability. We are also safe because of the following:

    • We are not using any spring web framework.
    • We are using Java 8 not Java 9 and beyond.
    • We are not packaging in WAR and not using any servlet containers.


    • For LPSM, the impact is the same as for LogPoint.
    • For other components in Director, we are not using spring libraries.
    • We are still using Java 8 all across the product line.


    • Currently any SOAR container running Java are running on OpenJDK 8 Alpine base containers.
    CSO Integrations
  • New in KB: Ethernet interface name changes on reboot

    The predictable naming scheme on interface is disabled due to the line below in grub configuration

    GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0"

    as a result the system with more than one network interface cards can change for example eth0 can become eth5 or eth3 can become eth2 and so on across reboots.

    Reference for getting back legacy scheme here .

    Note: Following activity requires sudo access/run as root user.

    Inside  /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules, change the entry like this with proper mac address:-
    Include all physical network interfaces:- for example(assuming the system as 6 interfaces). Here eth0 with mac address 28:05:Ca:d8:fc:1a has active link.

    SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="28:05:Ca:d8:fc:1a", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth0"SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="31:e1:71:6b:68:ad", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="ether1"SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="31:a1:71:6b:68:ae", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="ether2"SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="30:b1:71:6b:68:af", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="ether3"SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="28:cf:37:0d:0e:c0", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="ether4"SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="18:df:37:0d:0e:38", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="ether5"
    Create a symlink:-ln -s /dev/null /etc/systemd/network/99-default.link
    udevadm triggerudevadm control --reloadupdate-initramfs -u

    Reboot the system to see if the interface name is set as expected.

    In case of LACP bonding simply use etherN name for all interfaces, reboot and run ethbonding command to configure bond interfaces.

    To verify bonding is working or not you can ssh to the machine & run the command below

    cat /proc/net/bonding/bondN  

    unplug one of the cable and see if ssh connection is still working.

    Another approach (for non-bonded setup )beside above would be only keeping one interface and detaching excess interfaces from the system.

    CSO Integrations
  • New in KB: Optimization of Process ti() based queries

    Process ti is used in Logpoint to use the search time enrichment functionality from the threat intelligence database. This can be done by using | process ti(field_name) in the query.


    source_address=* | process ti(source_address)  

    This query will enrich all the logs which match the source_address field with the ip_address column present in the threat_intelligence table. This source_address to ip_address (and other) mappings can be configured from the threat intelligence plugin's configuration settings.

    The search query above takes a large amount of time to complete if there are a large number of logs present within the search time frame. We can optimize queries by filtering logs before piping to process ti() part in the query.


    norm_id=* source_address=* | process ti(destination_address)

    This query can be optimized by using another query:

    norm_id=* source_address=* destination_address=* | process ti(destination_address)

    This query will select only the logs that have destination_address in them, as it would make no sense to match logs that do not have destination_address, using destination_address with threat intelligence database.

    Although this does some optimization, for a large number of search results this query also takes time and hence further optimization can be done to complete this query in a small amount of time.

    For this optimization, first, we need to store the corresponding column from threat_intelligence table which needs to be matched with the actual query result into a dynamic list. For example:-  If we need to map IP field like source_address or destination_address, we can run the following query to populate a dynamic List (e.g MAN_TI List) with ip_address field of threat intelligence database.

    Table "threat_intelligence" | chart count() by ip_address  | process toList("MAN_TI", ip_address) 

    Similarly, for another field, we can do

    Table "threat_intelligence" | chart count() by field_name | process toList("Table_name", field_name)

    Once we have populated data in the dynamic list we don't need to populate this until the age_limit set on Dynamic list(MAN_TI)

    After the table is populated we can change the query

    norm_id=* source_address=* destination_address=* | process ti(destination_address)


    norm_id=* destination_address in MAN_TI  | process ti(destination_address)

    In generic form, an optimized query would be

    Filter_query field_name in Dynamic_list | process ti(map_field_name)

    This query will complete much faster than the original query.

    Note: If there is a large number of entries in the created dynamic_list created above then we will see some error in UI reporting max_boolean_clause count reached. This would mean we need to tune a parameter in Index-Searcher / Merger / Premerger services to increase the number of boolean clauses allowed.

    Parameter_name: MaxClauseCount

    We need to increase this configurable parameter based on the number of rows present in the dynamic list.

    This can be configured in lp_services_config.json located at /opt/immune/storage as follows:


    After this change, we need to regenerate the config file with the following command:

    /opt/immune/bin/lido /opt/immune/installed/config-updater/apps/config-updater/regenerateall.sh

    Try increasing the value of MaxBooleanCount continuously until the UI search does not throw an error and the search completes smoothly. A good rule of thumb would be to start with double the number of entries in the dynamic list.

    This optimization can have some repercussions as well:

    In the case of search_head-data_node configuration if bandwidth between these two instances is low, then we can get issues in the search pipeline as the query that needs to be transferred from search_head to data_node would increase in size after this optimization. If the bandwidth is not very low, then this optimization will not have such a significant impact on the system and it would increase search performance significantly.

    CSO Integrations
  • New Threat Intelligence v6.1.0 - out now

    For those of you that do not subscribe to TI updates I can inform that version 6.1.0 is now available. See information and Knowledge Base Package here: https://servicedesk.logpoint.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003790549


    Brian Hansen, LogPoint

    Brian Hansen
  • Passing parameters to Actions

    I am taking the first steps with the SOAR capability in LP7.

    I am trying to use the Nexpose API to enrich data of a device, and collect info like OS, number of vulnerabilities etc using the nexpose-search-assets Action, as this can filter on an IP address and doesn’t need the Nexpose device ID.

    The filters are in the request body in JSON format.

    The  Logpoint action for this has the following in the request body (out of the box there are a couple of additional optional fields which I have removed as they are not needed for this).

    {"filters": [{"field": "",  "operator": "", "value": "",}, "match": "all"}

    The field and operator can be hard coded for this action as they won’t change.

    How do I configure the action so that when an IP address is passed into the action in a playbook, it gets inserted into the request body as the value?

    Jon Bagshaw
  • Todays Scaling and Sizing Webinar not happening?

    For today there was a webinar for scaling and sizing scheduled, but it didn’t happen:

    Was there any reason for this?

    Markus Nebel
  • LogPoint 7 Python error running script


    Has there been some changes in the implementation of Python in LogPoint 7.

    I have a script 2 scripts that ran without errors in LogPoint 6 but now I get:


    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "device_export_lp6.py", line 17, in <module>
    from pylib import mongo
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pylib'




    Hans-Henrik Mørkholt
  • Brochure

    Dear Sirs

    Where I can Find a Brochure for SIEM for to send to our Customers in South America ?

    Pedro Montero

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